If you’re reading this on the day I posted it, June 5th 2021, imagine please that it’s tomorrow..... Exactly 40 years ago today, June 6th 1981, I interviewed U2’s Bono for the second issue of my fanzine Stringent Measures. I was just out of my teens, as the band themselves were, and re-reading the interview/article the other week for the first time in years, though it reeks of youthful - naive, even - enthusiasm, and though I can’t imagine the likes of Rock’s Back Pages clamouring for its inclusion in their library, I didn’t find myself cringing as much as I might have feared. Readership at the time would have been limited as I think we printed only a couple of hundred copies of the fanzine and it hasn’t been reproduced anywhere in full in the intervening 40 years. Until now. (Fanzine cover, “corrected” by Bono and signed by rest of band a few months later at Warwick University) EXCLUSIVE BONO VOX INTERVIEW On the steps outside the stage door of Aylesbury Friars,...
What A Nice Way To Turn 17
what was and what might have been